article by Jennifer McGregor, Public Health Library
Listen, we all get busy taking care of our families, our jobs, and the other obligations that go along with responsible adulthood. But, if life has you sidetracked and your health has started to suffer, it’s time to step back, evaluate your life, and take measures to keep yourself well every day. Keep reading for a few smart ways to make sure that happens.
Prioritize your physical health.
It may seem like a no-brainer, but exercising and eating well are two of the best things you can do for yourself no matter where you are in life. Invest in a few pieces of fitness equipment for your home that will give you access to exercise opportunities. These might include:
The Warhammer Monolift by Invictus Powerlifting
A weighted hula-hoop
Resistance bands
Adjustable dumbbells
As far as your diet, whole foods tend to be best. When possible, cook at home and make sure your plate is balanced with:
Lean proteins, such as chicken or fish
Whole grains, including whole-wheat bread and brown rice
Colorful vegetables – different colors offer different vitamins, so get a mixture
Healthy fats from nuts, avocados, and eggs
Focus on your mental health.
How much attention do you pay to your mental well-being? Probably not enough. But, if you’re like one in five American adults, you are very likely to experience a mental health issue or crisis at some point in your life. This often starts with stress, which is triggered by a host of causes, including your work and financial strain. To sidestep these issues:
Consider changing jobs. Many people find themselves under-employed, or, worse, feeling stuck in a job they hate because they fear change. If this sounds like you, it might be time to make a switch. You can even go to school online now while you continue to work so that you’re not sacrificing your current income.
Learn to manage your money. Even if you are planning on an upward professional move, money, or, rather lack thereof, can cause significant stress on you and within your relationship. If you currently don’t have a handle on your finances, it’s time that you learn how to budget. By knowing how much you have and how much you can spend, you can avoid unnecessary expenditures that may drop your bank account to less than what you need to pay the mortgage.

Image via Pexels
Other Tips For Daily Wellness
Go for a jog. According to Runner's World, there are many health benefits associated with regular jogging. These include weight maintenance, strengthening the immune system, and having fun.
Quit smoking. Smoking is a nasty habit, but if you’re one of the millions of Americans that still light up each day, you should know that quitting now will improve your heart rate and lung function while helping to reduce your risk of many diseases, including heart disease and lung cancer.
Get enough sleep. Your mind and body have a reciprocal relationship, and both of them rely on sleep. The overnight hours are when your body naturally repairs from the physical trauma of the day and your mind purges its excess thoughts. Shoot for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted slumber for optimum wellness. Bonus: if you engage in physical activity, you’ll sleep better
Taking care of yourself isn’t difficult. Small steps that you can take each day, like working out and eliminating bad habits, will help you make huge strides toward overall wellness. You don’t have to make dozens of changes all at once or overhaul your entire lifestyle, but every positive change you make now will help you be that much better moving forward.
For more information about Invictus Powerlifting equipment or accessories, call 479.858.8331 today.